Isnin, 10 Mac 2014

She's turning 20 tomorrow

*Mision: To be a better person:) And to complete the unfinish entry.

Alhamdulillah, the story begins. Diary, do you know what the surprise is? Waa, I can't wait to give this gift to my dearest sister. She's the best sister that I've ever met. Thanked God for this precious gift. Sister, I love you because of Allah. :)Diary, actually I want to adapt this note to become a story, but you know.... Something is missing in my heart. My sister. She's kind, lovely and her smile can make me turns melt, hehe...

Practising to write in English Language. Diary, it sounds terrible for me. Can you make decisions for me? Arabic or TESL? So confuse. Istikharah make me calm and I know what I  need to do. She gives her advice to me, la la la... She said, take Arabic first in university. Then continue TESL. Diary, I thanked her a lot. She's turning 20 tomorrow. The present??? Usually, I post birthday card for her. Last year, hehe 'face to face' to give that present. Before that, unfortunately, the card was wet due to rain. My bag was fully wet. Alhamdulillah, the card was still  okay. :) Maybe it knows  is for someone special.

Diary, I'm sorry if my writing is not good. I'm still practising. The present is ready... This year, I make special video for her. Created with Magisto. Complete with twinkle-twinkle little star song. Diary, you know me best. I care. For my dear sister, this surprise is for you. Happy Becoming Birthday tomorrow. May Allah bless us with happiness.

#still hope the news of MH370.

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